Saturday 3 September 2011

Venice film festival: Contagion review

It announces itself as a global thriller, but anyone with the least concern about the risk of infection in crowded public places may regard Contagion as an all-too-plausible horror movie.

It's about the spread of a lethal virus that becomes a worldwide pandemic, killing thousands of people as it gains momentum, and defeating the best efforts of disease control experts to identify it. That could be the synopsis of some sensationalist potboiler, aiming for cheap shocks.

Contagion is anything but: its story is alarmingly believable and it dwells on the science involved in combating such a virus.

The film starts with a blank screen and the sound of a woman coughing. It's Gwyneth Paltrow, as an American businesswoman who returns to America on a long-haul flight from Hong Kong feeling ill, and swiftly becomes the first fatality. To the dismay of her husband (Matt Damon), her young son soon succumbs too.

As the virus spreads alarmingly, with no treatment protocol or vaccine, key players emerge. Laurence Fishburne, a calm rational executive at Atlanta's Centre for Disease Control, comes under immense public pressure.

Kate Winslet is a courageous Epidemic Intelligence Service officer who goes out among the stricken, looking for clues about how the virus started.

Her counterpart at the World Health Organisation in Geneva is Marion Cotillard, who flies to China to trace the sequence of transmission and is held hostage. Jennifer Ehle is outstanding as a researcher working on producing a vaccine.

Meanwhile, things are falling apart everywhere. Whole cities are quarantined; there's rioting in food queues and looting of banks and offices.

Winslet is given a chilling line about how easily people can spread the virus, whatever they touch: "Doorknobs, water fountains, elevators – and each other."

Contagion's director Steven Soderbergh announced this week his imminent plans to curtail his movie career and concentrate on painting.

I wish he wouldn't. In the whole world, there are too few film-making talents of his ilk, and fewer still in effortless command of such a wide range of styles and genres, from Erin Brockovich and Out of Sight to the lightweight Ocean's 11 series.

Among his strengths is a flair for juggling and sustaining multiple storylines in one film. He proved it in 2000 when he won an Oscar for Traffic, and he confirms it with Contagion: it has the urgency of simultaneous breaking news from several global locations. In a terrific, fast-cut sequence at the end, Soderbergh shows how the virus might credibly have started.

It's by no means perfect. One could have done without Jude Law as an irritating conspiracy-theory blogger, out to prove the CDC's collusion with pharmaceutical companies. And Contagion can sometimes feel like a series of public health warnings.

Still, it's a cut above most Hollywood thrillers, and I'll certainly remember it the next time I use the Tube.

Contagion may or may not win awards – but it'll send the sales of hand sanitiser soaring.